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  • 2021 Enterprise Quality Integrity Report

    2021 Enterprise Quality Integrity Report

    2021 Enterprise Quality Integrity Report March 2022 foreword 1.1 Preparation instructions The quality integrity report issued by the company is prepared in accordance with relevant national quality laws, regulations, rules and related industry quality standards and specifications. The company's qual... read more

    Apr 06,2022 Company News
  • 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

    2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

    2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report March 2022 report writing instructions 1. Introduction to the report "Ningbo Huachi Bearing Co., Ltd. 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report" is the first corporate social responsibility report issued by Ningbo Huachi Bearing Co., Ltd. The report revi... read more

    Apr 06,2022 Company News
  • What are the measures to improve the quality of bearing inspection

    What are the measures to improve the quality of bearing inspection

    Bearings are important components in vehicles and play a vital role in the operation of vehicles. In many cases, vehicle bearings will have certain failures. Let's analyze the typical failure of vehicle bearings-peeling phenomenon. 1. Typical fault of vehicle bearing-peeling phenomenon. After disass... read more

    Jan 27,2021 News